Page 59 - You can't Make This Shit Up!
P. 59

 Look, I’ve let Lily go to a firing range with Skee once. If you are going to shoot a gun, then you need to understand and respect the power. I didn’t like that they went, but it was an experience for them, and no, they didn’t come home from that with a gun.
I am getting up on my soap box.
So there are guns, and then there are automatic rifles that were created for the sole purpose of mass destruction. There is absolutely no reason for a citizen to own such a weapon. There is no discussion or debate that ANYONE can make, the bottom line is that NO ONE needs to own one.
This is about the time when NRA people chime in and say things about mental illness, and that guns don’t kill people, people kill people, and yadda yadda yadda. Again, NO ONE should own an AR 15.
When my girls turned 15.5 they each got their driving permit. We paid for 12 hours behind the wheel training, and then logged 250+ hours with each of them behind the wheel before they turned 16. At 16 they took a written exam and a behind the wheel test. When they passed those, they had an additional year where their driving license was restricted. They were no legally allowed to drive with anyone under the age of 25 for a year. They also were not allowed to drive after 11pm. Those are the rules.
See, there are rules. And with the rules comes a sense of responsibility for both the new driver, and the other drivers on the road. Where are the gun rules? Why can anyone even have the ability to buy an automatic weapon?
The other argument after the 18th mass shooting in 2 months I have heard is that we should have our teachers armed and ready. Look, where I live is a beautiful and affluent area. Lily’s high school is STILL underfunded. We have to buy the teachers pencils. So to that argument, I would like to know where funds for arming ALL teachers will be coming from. Not to mention, how ludicrous and downright dangerous that could be.
The mental illness argument is my hot button. Yes, clearly you have to be totally mental beyond comprehension to shoot and kill children. In my opinion (and this blog is ALL my opinion), even potential drivers should be mentally evaluated. It should be mandatory for someone buying anything more than a bb gun to be evaluated. In order to own and use a .44, you must prove your actual IQ is at least 44.
The bottom line is I am scared. I am sad. I am mad. I have had enough. Gun control needs to start and it needs to start now. This is not a republican or democratic issue, it is a human issue. If you have a beating heart, it pertains to YOU!
Climbing off my soap box.

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