Page 52 - You can't Make This Shit Up!
P. 52

 Cool compress for your head? Vics rubbed on your feet. Put your socks on and let me tuck you in.
Price: Cost of all ingredients for the soup, then hourly.
Package three: A little sweater, a nice meal?
Lets de-clutter your life. Rent-a-yent-a does that! Lets clean out your closet? Get rid of things you don’t need or want. Make piles for goodwill, and box up what you might want later? Less is more.
Want to go to the “real” Jewish deli? The one with the pickles on the table and the boisterous waitresses? Yeah, lets go! But first, get a little sweater on, I am cold. Nothing is more rewarding after a day of organizing then a lean corn beef on rye. If you are REALLY good, maybe a cookie from the bakery.
Price: Lunch is on you, and then we can discuss...
I will be interviewing to fill positions as demand increases! This is going to go viral.
Look, there are apps for EVERYTHING! Dog walking, uber, lyft, door dash, anything else you need or want. Can you imagine having an overbearing and loving mama at your beck and call? (my 3 daughters can, but can YOU)??
So that is my plan people. Saving the world through kindness, love and soup. You can private message me if you need my services. In the future... Lets make an app for that?
*you can also shoot me an email at*

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